As previously announced, Heart-A-Rama’s 50th anniversary show has been postponed until 2021. Scheduled show dates are April 22, 23, and 24, and April 29, 30, and May 1.
Some of you may have purchased tickets for this year’s show and are wondering what to do with them. Heart-A-Rama has three choices for you regarding your ticket purchases:
- Consider your 2020 ticket purchase a donation for this year to help Heart-A-Rama reach its goal of raising $3 million for heart health.
- Hold onto your ticket(s) until 2021 and exchange them for 2021 show tickets. More info on when/where will be announced on our Facebook page and website in 2021.
- Get a refund. How? Please leave a message with Tom Bartelme @ 920-645-1787. Refund requests must be made by Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020. Tom will then get back to you with details.
If you have questions or concerns about this announcement, please connect with Heart-A-Rama on Facebook or here on our website. Stay safe and healthy, and remember, You Gotta Have Heart!