Auditions for Heart-A-Rama’s 50th anniversary show are on! They will take place at 7 P.M. on Wednesday, Aug. 18, and 1:00 P.M. on Sunday, Aug. 22, in the Mertens Family Lobby/Kadow Movie Museum at the Capitol Civic Centre for anyone who is at least 21 years old. Those auditioning will be asked to read from a provided script and sing a brief song (“Happy Birthday” is acceptable!). Those auditioning should bring a list of scheduling conflicts for September and October. Cast members must be available for all scheduled rehearsals, dress rehearsals on October 24 and 25, and performances.
“Heart-A-Rama Strikes Gold” is this year’s theme, and shows will be October 28-30 and November 4-6 at the J.E. Hamilton Community House in Two Rivers. This year’s show will bring back classic skits such as “The Galloping Gourmet,” “The Bout,” and “If I Came Back from History.”
Also, we will be selling 50th anniversary DVDs ($10), 50th anniversary DVD movie posters ($10), Heart-A-Rama yard signs ($5), and Heart-A-Rama can koozies ($3 or 2 for $5) at auditions, so bring some money along, if interested! See you soon!